Add or Remove Addresses
Overview of Revision life cycle
Addresses are added or removed to the list through a multi-step Revision process described below:
Propose Revision on Decentra-List: Any user can propose a Revision. A single Revision can add or remove 1-99 addresses, but can not both add and remove addresses. For more info, see Propose Revisions.
UMA's Oracle Verifies Revision: The proposed Revision is sent to UMA's Oracle for verification that it meets the List Criteria. If the Oracle rejects the Revision, the Revision is marked as rejected and no further action is taken. If the Oracle approves the Revision, the Revision is marked as approved and may be executed. This step is handled completely by UMA's Oracle, not Decentra-List. See Verify UMA Oracle Requests for more info.
Execute Approved Revision on Decentra-List: Any user can execute an approved Revision on Decentra-List. The List is revised and any rewards are calculated at this step. For more info, see Execute Approved Revisions.
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